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Niche Marketing [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
New Member Intro...Views: 161
May 15, 2008 2:00 pm re: New Member Intro...

Barbara Casey
Welcome to the network, Shena.

I just visited your website. Beautiful images. Wow.

As a niche person, I always encourage business owners to get known for "one thing" that they are truly expert in... and that makes their heart sing.

Your wedding work is beautiful, but it sounds like you enjoy the non-profit documentaries even more.

Could you become the expert in fund-raising videos and photos? In other words, sell your work as a fund-raising tool upfront, rather than "my work has been used in fund-raising."

With the economy cutting back on charitable donations just now, the non-profits can use all the help they can get. On the other hand, many of them DO have funds for advertising/marketing. That's where you come in... as a marketing investment, rather than as a fringe item.

Maybe even specializing in short YouTube-type videos emphasizing different parts of the organizations' work. Instead of using telemarketers to raise money, how about heartfelt videos?

This isn't your high-end work; you'd be doing that for the larger organizations who do have funds to work with. But for the small ones where you're now donating your services... maybe you could teach them some how-to's (and document that, so you can sell/donate the training videos to other groups).

You could consider offering "small, medium and large" options in the non-profit work, the same as you do in your weddings. People without $5,000 - 10,000 plus for a documentary will have $100-200 for a class on YouTube video creation for fundraising purposes.

Not just non-profits would attend that... It could provide the income source you're looking for to establish your "reserve fund" for longer non-profit documentaries.


FREE TELECLASS: Recession-Proof Your Business
Wednesday, May 21, 7-8 PM (EDT)
Teleclass tutorials for soul-guided entrepreneurs

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